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Indicator Website - Kindergarten


Reading Standards

 Standard Description Website with Games







Identifies:  Uppercase, Lowercase, Sound

Alphabet Action            

Paw Park

Alphabet Zoo

Alphabet Quiz

Letter Recognition Quiz  

Memory Game 

Missing Letters of the Alphabet  

Animated Alphabet 

Beginning Sounds

R.1.1.3 Distinguishes letters from words Alien Scavenger Hunt - Letter Bugs






Phonemic Awareness:  Segments, Blends, Old word/New word

Phonemic Awareness

Word Blender

Alien Scavenger Hunt - Space Trash

Make a Word #1

Make a Word #2

Letter TV

R.1.1.5 Identifies and makes oral rhymes and begins to hear onsets and rhymes (i.e. alliterations, intonation).  (Phonological Awareness)

Reggie the Rhyming Rhino

Digby Mole's Rhyme Game

Roy the Zebra

Rhyming Words

Rhyme Time - Drag and Match game

Super Grover

R.1.2.1 Begins to track print

Left to Right

Left to Right Practice

Left to Right:  Let's Practice

R.1.2.2 Locates periods, question marks, and exclamation marks

Full Stops

Periods, Question Marks, & Exclamation Marks

R.1.2.3 Imitates the rhythm of speech in emergent oral reading

What Happens In Autumn?

More About the Farm

Summer Time Food


Veteran's Day


R.1.3.1 Reads one-syllable and often-heard words by sight (Pathways will know 25 sight words)

Word Drop

I Can Read

R.1.3.2 Uses picture clues to identify unknown words and meanings

Make a Match

I Spy-Animals

R.1.4.1 Participates in discussions about narrative and expository texts read to them.  
R.1.4.2 Identifies and discusses title, author, illustrator, and illustrations.  
R 1.4.3 Makes predictions using visual clues and prior knowledge.  
R.1.4.4 Responds logically to literal, inferential, and critical thinking questions before, during, and after listening to the text.  
R.1.4.5 Uses picture clues, text, and prior knowledge to make inferences and draw conclusions.

It's Bath Time

Making Predictions

Using Pictures to Make Predictions

Baby Gorilla Goes Shopping

R.1.4.6 Develops awareness of text structure (i.e. sequence, problem-solution).

Monkey Business

Tina's World - Buggy Trails

R.1.4.7 Sequences 2-3 events

Tina's World


R.1.4.8 Compares and contrasts information in illustrations, prior knowledge, and texts read aloud.  
R.1.4.9 Retells or role plays important events and information from the text.

Choose a Story to Sequence


Tina's World - Buggy Trails

R.2.1.1 Identifies and discusses characters in literature.

Find the Character


Who's in a Story?

R.2.1.2 Identifies and talks about events in the story and why they are important. The Tales of Peter Rabbit
R.2.1.3 Identifies and discusses problem and solution.  
R.2.2.1 Recognizes and discusses cultural elements in books read aloud.  

Math Standards

Standard Description Website with Games
M.1.1.1 One-to-one correspondence (0-20) with concrete objects; Recognizes part of a concrete object; Whole, Half, Parts

Count the Ants

How Many? 1-10

How Many?  1-20

Fraction Flags

Identify Halves, Thirds, Fourths

Equal Parts

Count Us in Game 13

M.1.1.2 Whole Numbers (0-20);  Reads, Writes, Counts, Compares and Orders

Fish Count

Count the Bananas

Cardinal Numbers

Number Sequence

Count to 20

Numbers to 20

Counting up to 20

Count Us in Game 3

M.1.2.1 Counts whole numbers (10-0) backwards; Knows place value 0-20, using place value models.

Counting Down

Spooky Sequence-counting backwards by 1

Count Forward and Backward

Counting Backwards


M.1.2.2 Counts subsets of whole numbers (0-15) Count Us in Game 1
M.1.2.3 Counts subsets of whole numbers (0-20); Identifies position, First, Last

Before, After, And Between to 10

Before, After And Between to 20

Count Us In Game 4

M.1.3.1 Compares sets of concrete objects:  More, Less, Same (equal) - Identifies and states value, Penny, Dime

Which is Bigger?

Same or Different?

Count Us In - Game 15

Fewer or More

Fewer, Equal, and More

Fewer and More With Charts

Coin Names:  Penny-Quarter

Coin Values:  Penny-Quarter

Count Money - Pennies

Count Money - Pennies & Nickels

Count Money:  Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes

M.1.4.1 Using concrete objects of number lines, etc.;  Add 0-10, Subtract 0-10; Groups objects by 5's, 10's

Count on Us - Bowling Alley

Professor Finkle's Flashcards

Adding With Pictures

Add Two Numbers

Addition Sentences

Addition With Pictures

Subtract With Pictures

Subtract - Numbers up to 5

Subtraction Sentences

Subtract With Pictures


M.1.4.2 Repeated addition to find the sum (Using number groups of 3 or less, and given the same number of concrete objects in each group, 5 or less, ex. 2 nests with 3 eggs means 3+3=6); Uses the zero property with whole numbers 0-20 using concrete objects (four apples and zero apples are four apples)

Sum Sense - Single Addition

Bus Counting

Adding 0 Practice

M.1.4.3 Uses repeated subtraction (division) with whole numbers when given the total number of concrete objects in each group to find the number of groups. Sum Sense - Single Digit Subtraction
M.2.1.1 Repeats patterns using concrete objects; Recognizes, Extends, Generates

String of Beads

Number Sequence

Linear Patterns

Complete the Pattern

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Inkless Tales:  Patterns

Similar Patterns

Complete Missing Parts of Patterns

Growing Patterns

Pattern Recognition

M.2.1.2 Generated growing patterns that add 1,2, or 10.  (5,6,7,_,_)

Spooky Sequences by Ones

Growing Patterns

M.2.1.3 Using a horizontal number line 0-20; Plots, Locates

Number Lines

Before, After, and Between

M.2.1.4 Generates a Pattern, Recognizes, Extends

Complete the Pattern

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Pattern Recognition

M.2.1.5 Classifies and sorts by similar attributes:  Color, Size, Shape

Matching Shapes with Krog

Sorting Objects by Attribute


Eddie's Shapes

The Color Game

Oochy Goes To the Fair

Put It On the Shelf

Zoe's Pet Shelter

Identify Shapes II

M.2.2.4 Uses place value models to represent ones, tens  
M.2.3.1 Locates whole numbers (0-15) on a number line (random order)

Find the Missing Number

Number Line

M.2.4.1 Graphs using concrete objects, pictures or frequency table to organize and display data.

Graph Practice

Interpret Bar Graphs

Data and Graphs

M.2.4.3 Knows, explains, and uses mathematical models to represent mathematical concepts, procedures, and relationships.  Mathematical models include (d) Money models, real-world objects that model geometric shapes, (e) Geometric models, (f) three-dimensional models, uses models such as spinners and dice to model probability. Certain, Probable, Unlikely, Impossible
M.3.1.1. Recognizes:  Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Square, Triangle

I Spy Shapes

Geometric Figures

Sorting and Classifying

The Shape Game

Find the Shape

Shapes and Colors

Identify Shapes

Identify Shapes II

M.3.2.2 Describes spatial relationships between two concrete objects - Behind, Below, On, Above, Under; Draws - Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Square, Triangle; Estimates using whole numbers with non-standard units of measure.  (ex. The classroom door is about 2 kindergarten students high or this paper is about 2 markers long.)

Above and Below

Inside and Outside

Fun for Fish - takes a while to load

Spatial Concepts

M.3.2.3 Compares two measurements:  Longer, shorter (length), Heavier, lighter (weight), Taller, shorter (height), Hotter, colder (temperature)

Comparing with Lecky

Taller or Shorter

Long and Short

Tall and Short

Count Us In Game 14

Light and Heavy

Holds More or Less

Compare Size, Weight, and Capacity

M.3.3.1 Reads and tells time to the hour:  Analog, Digital

Telling Time Games

Hickory Dickory Dock

Match Analog and Digital Clocks

Read Clocks and Write Times

Time Teller

Stop the Clock - telling time to 1/2 hour intervals

Stop the Clock - matching times written in text to the graphic match

Bang on Time

M.3.3.2 Identifies two like objects or shapes form a set of four.

Happy, Mad, Silly, Sad

Same or Different


M.3.4.2 Using whole numbers 0-10 on a number line, Counts forward from a given number, Counts backwards from a given number

Calendar Number Order

Before, After, and Between

Number Lines

Count Forward and Backward

M.4.1.1 Recognizes whether an event is possible/impossible (real/make-believe) Tina's World - Real or Make Believe
M.4.1.2 Recognizes whether a simple event can have more than one outcome.  
M.4.2.1 Records numerical (quantitative) and non-numerical (qualitative) data using a frequency table (tally marks)

Tally Marks

Tally Charts, Picture Graphs, Tables